Tareq Jundi

Born in Amman 1983. He has started his journey with Oud at the age of 11 when he joined the preparatory section in the Jordan Academy for Music. Taught by many Jordanian and Arab Oud Masters. In 2007, Tareq finished his first BA in Chemical Engineering from Jordan university for Science and Technology. He was awarded a scholarship from the Greater Amman Municipality to complete his BA in music performance on Cello at the National Music Conservatory. In 2009, he was ranked the second in the International Oud competition held at the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik/Lebanon. In 2013, he got a special prize from Mugam festival in Azerbaijan. In 2015, he got the 2nd prize from International Mugam Contest. Tareq conducted, composed and played with many bands.Moreover, he has many compositions and studies for the oud as well as compositions for the eastern ensemble (Takht), music for plays, children’s songs and music for TV shows. He released four Albums; Terhaal, Music from Amman, Melodies from my Childhood and Sowar. 2013, Tareq finished his MA in Music Education from University of Jordan. He represented Jordan and participated in many festivals in Jordan and aboard.

Level: Beginner
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Level: Beginner
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Level: Advanced
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